Insert the following HTML code to see these banners appear on your website.
If you wish to recover a banner you just have to position yourself on the banner with your mouse and make a right click / save the image as.
Banner 250 x 250 pixels
HTML code to insert on your page
<a href="https://visitor.weyou-group.com/healthcare-meetings/2024/inscription"><img src="https://weyoumedia.blob.core.windows.net/hcm/sites/20/2024/09/HCM-250x250-2024_UK.gif" /></a>
Banner 300 x 250 pixels
HTML code to insert on your page
<a href="https://visitor.weyou-group.com/healthcare-meetings/2024/inscription"><img src="https://weyoumedia.blob.core.windows.net/hcm/sites/20/2024/09/HCM-300x250-2024_UK.gif" /></a>
Banner 728 x 90 pixels
HTML code to insert on your page
<a href="https://visitor.weyou-group.com/healthcare-meetings/2024/inscription"><img src="https://weyoumedia.blob.core.windows.net/hcm/sites/20/2024/09/HCM-728x90-2024_UK.gif" /></a>